Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gay Africans

I was told by my friend of mine who is African that his sexuality is straight. I asked why do you say so he said he is. This is someone who only has sex only with "young" guys barely out of high school. He goes to all things gay. I am not surprised a lot of Africans are scared to say they are gay. Being brought up in a culture where masculinity means one needs to be aggressive and show no emotional or feminine behavior. A culture where a gay person can be killed, jailed, disowned by family and fiends. He is protecting himself, but how long can he operate like that. It is due to such things that has kept the African gay community in bondage, we should come together unite for a positive purpose not just sex and parties. It is time to speak out and be liberated from bondage. The irony is before colonialism gay people were part of the African culture but the western world brought in there law which then included being gay illegal. This same law has long been removed from the penal code of these western countries but still remains in effect in africa. I am here for a change and would be a change i have decided to speak out for the truth and stand out. I AM A GAY AFRICAN GUY


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you!
I am a African American Gay Man, that have many friends from Africa that are currently living in the US.
I have a interest in Homosexuality in Africa before colonialism.
If you can provide info, websites, scholarly information, moreover feel free to educate me yourself!
Let me know, how I can help, and please stay in touch!
My e-mail address is :

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if you mean this African guy is having sex with minors. If yes, don't clasify him as gay but pedophilia. Secondly, as African and gay guy myself, I think the lack of local identity in area of names and visibility in most african cultures, culminating in Christian imposition of shrouded sexual practice plays more roles in fanning the ember of denial. Different groups including my organization are working to help the situation. It is indeed annoying and frustrating to live with someone in denial of a glaring reality.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comments regarding gay and homosexuals in Africa. I love the African male have been enchanted by them since my first experience 15 years ago!
I have lived in West Africa now for over 15 years and have had a lot of personal experiences which made me look deeper into the culture and the african male.
One of the basic things overlooked by people from the west is that in africa male and female are segregated from each other from about 4-5 years of age. Boys play with boys, girls play with girls. The two groups don't mix. This carries on throughout their entire life. The only time the male and female interact are when they are sexually pursuing one another. A man of any age would never stand alone with another woman of any age unless there are sexual intentions (immidiate family excluded). Pursuing the female is usually a costly endeavor as she will constantly demand 'things' in return for her sexual favors and relationship. Being in unfavorable financial situations to start with, it is cheaper to have your sexual urges satisfied with a male friend who isn't going to 'charge' for the favor except perhaps for the same favor returned.
Thus, the african male is accustomed to his age mates and has mostlikely had numerous male to male sexual experiences by the time he is ready financially to marry. The male to male experiences do not necessarily define him as gay or homosexual; he has simply had a basic human need fulfilled. Even when they are married and their wife is pregnant or nursing a baby; the male would prefer sex with a woman but his financial situation doesn't permit him a second wife. He either carouses the younger single women or turns to his male age mates for sexual satisfaction.
My experiences and discoveries in the villages are simply defined as man to man sex. I have yet to encounter a gay man or homosexual in the villages. The cities are different as there is a lot of western influence and a strong desire for the west. I have met many men who would have sex with me and play the roll of a gay man or homosexual as long as they thought there was something in it for them in terms of a better quality of life or even promises of taking them to the west.
In my 15 years in villages and cities all over west africa I have honestly only met two gay african men. I am sure there are more than this, but this is my experience I am sharing, not someone's statistics.
So when we see African men in the west enjoying the social interests and gatherings of gay men such as in lounges or bars, they are most likely comfortable as this is the male social interaction they grew up understanding. They may continue to have the man to man sex but this still doesn't define them as gay or homosexual. Trying to 'bring them out' may be a an endless endeavor for some.

Hope this helps.